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EXCESS is committed to the preservation of Posidonia

EXCESS partners with the Beneteau Group to support the actions of Alliance Posidonia, an association committed to raising awareness and mobilizing stakeholders to protect Posidonia!

Their mission? To bring together boaters and professionals from the nautical industry around an essential cause. Thanks to the 1976 Nature Protection Law, Posidonia enjoys legal protection in France.

These seagrass meadows are true heroes of the marine ecosystem! They protect our beaches from erosion, capture CO², create habitats for a multitude of species, and reduce wave strength.

Today, they are threatened by coastal development, climate change, and overfishing. Together, we can take action to protect them and ensure that our coastlines remain clean and conducive to the best experiences.

The first step: follow best anchoring practices!


Learn more about the commitments of the Beneteau Group